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Sunday, March 29, 2009

And then came the walls.....

Well nearly the walls. This is the bottom and top plate of the walls, the wall frame bits will go in the middle this week! THis is how they mark it and measure it out. Door ways will be cut in etc to the bottom plates. Windows have been marked and its action action action!

At the font of the house you will see some metal sticking straight up. That bit is actually the front of the house. It is five metres in height and 12 metres in length, so pretty weighty!
A crane is coming in very very soon to pull it upright for it to form the front for where the windows go. The whole front of the house is glass./windows.
Those bits sticking up will eventually have a shade on them to allow the winter sun in but keep out the summer sun....


dave hambidge March 29, 2009 at 5:28 AM  

Hello there, I stumbled here by a randon search on blogger.

Nice idea to share your building going up.

But where are you? Australia at a guess?



Kristy April 9, 2009 at 6:31 PM  

nice work! Far out now that it's this far hopefully you'll see some day-by-day progress... very exciting to know it will one day be finished huh!

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