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Sunday, March 29, 2009

And then came the walls.....

Well nearly the walls. This is the bottom and top plate of the walls, the wall frame bits will go in the middle this week! THis is how they mark it and measure it out. Door ways will be cut in etc to the bottom plates. Windows have been marked and its action action action!

At the font of the house you will see some metal sticking straight up. That bit is actually the front of the house. It is five metres in height and 12 metres in length, so pretty weighty!
A crane is coming in very very soon to pull it upright for it to form the front for where the windows go. The whole front of the house is glass./windows.
Those bits sticking up will eventually have a shade on them to allow the winter sun in but keep out the summer sun....

We have a slab!!!!!!!!!

but it's not Coopers!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our bathroom products

Our spa! To be located in main bathroom.

I can't wait!

Our toilet! How exciting hey!
  • Close coupled toilet suite
  • Modern, sophisticated wall faced design (you always need a modern dumping spot)
  • Soft close seat for quiet operation (no more banging that seat down)
  • WELS 4 star water efficiency rating (yay for water saving)

The Electricity Trench

The trench has begun! The trench is around 300 metres long. It runs from the house site down to our shed. On the shed we have 32 solar panels installed, which are connected to the grid to sell our electricity = small or no electricity bills for us!

The trench runs across our winter creek. In this trench will be the electricity cables, telephone, network, pipe to pump rain water from shed water storage, pipe to pump dam water for use on our garden.

Here is the beast at work.....I mean the machine not the husband......rofl

Slab preparation begins!

The slab is getting ready! Plastic down and steel supports going in.

The centre support of the house has a 1.2 metre deep channel. This will be filled with cement.

It rained this week so the channels filled with water, turned out to be a good millipede trap :)

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